As a result of the abundance of correspondence received from teams, we would like to take a moment to remind everyone of the following:
Inclement Weather Related Closures & Travel Guideline [see the link above]
Home Teams are responsible for:
- checking field conditions & closures in advance – ensuring guidelines as outlined by the entity managing the field(s) are followed
- communicating with opposing team and the League ( as soon as possible of any changes
*The league updates the league schedule only when field closure information is received either by designated home teams or their club field scheduler; the league will not research websites or contact field managing entities to confirm field status due to weather etc.
Please Note: When field status information is still not received or pending, it is not uncommon to wait until the day of the scheduled game. The home team and their club are responsible for checking field status and communicating if any field closures – and then communicating directly with opponents and league administrator. Home teams with opponents requiring to travel to scheduled game, should be in communication with them and identify a timeline for notification of field closures etc.
Postponement/Reschedule Information
Teams are expected to put their best efforts in making up/rescheduling their postponed games following the current rules, see below [LIWSA 13.5 (l)] and must be played in chronological order. For example, a game postponed from January must be rescheduled and played prior to a postponed game from February. There are still approximately 7 weeks plus or minus 2 days for games to be completed. Our season ends March 31st, 2025.
While we can understand that cup round robin play runs February 21 to March 9, with some teams advancing to knockout stages, there are ample options available for make up games to be completed. The league will be monitoring these postponements, paying close attention to games that have bearing on final standings and promotion/relegation. It is important for teams to understand that games that have bearing on final standings or promotion/relegation must be played/completed. If teams cannot mutually agree to a reschedule date/time, the league will intervene and schedule the postponed game.
- Games postponed due to extenuating circumstances or weather may be exempt from admin fee, however game must be rescheduled and played within 21 days of the original scheduled date. Games not rescheduled and played within the 21 days will be rescheduled by the Division Liaison to a time and location of the LIWSA's choosing, with any field booking expense payable by the home team. [LIWSA 13.5 (l)]